When 19-year-old Timothy Stansbury was shot in 2004 in his own neighborhood, on the rooftop of a Brooklyn apartment building, the architecture community did not seem to notice. The police officer who shot the unarmed teenager said it was an accident, and a Brooklyn jury decided not to indict the officer for manslaughter. The public discussed and debated this tragedy in terms of police brutality, racism and gun violence. Then, even more tragically, nothing changed.
With the death of Trayvon Martin in Sanford, Florida, the worlds of architecture and urbanism cannot afford to hear no evil/see no evil this time. You may think you've heard enough about Trayvon Martin, but this tragedy is not a "hot topic." It is a lever in American history, like the death of Emmett Till -- a pivotal moment when irreconcilable narratives of this country collide.
Some of the architecture blogsites have started to address this, notably in terms of looking at sociological research outlining the downsides of gated communities. In the hope of encouraging further research and discussion, I have put together a few topics that aspire towards a spatial understanding of the implications of the Trayvon Martin killing. Whether as a professional master-planner or home-owner building a backyard fence or a city-dweller taking lunch in a public square, we all participate in defining space. Against Going and Riding Armed
Edward Coke, the 17th century Attorney General and legal theorist who crafted much of what became U.S. law, promoted the simple and common sense idea that weapons and public city life don't mix well. The well-known phrase "A man's home is his castle" comes from Edward Coke's Institutes of the Laws of England. Less well-known is the title of the legal chapter in which this phrase appears: "Against Going and Riding Armed." The idea is simple: weapons scare people, especially political figures and interrupt the public from playing outside. The notion of home as castle was referenced just to explain why a private home would be an exception to this prohibition of arms.
A Car Is Not a Castle.
A vehicle is not a home. The United States has had an over-emphasis on car-focused urban planning for decades. Unfortunately, this bias toward the car affects our legal code, as well. Half the states in the country have adopted "Castle Doctrine" laws, which extend the self-defense rights of one's home to vehicles, neighbors' homes, workplaces and other spaces. There is a vital importance of understanding the word home and taking it seriously. Home cannot simply be equated to private property.
Stand Your Ground Laws Are Groundless.
These laws are groundless, literally, in the sense that they do not relate to ground. Neither do they relate to standing. The 'stand your ground' laws go even further than the castle doctrines in extending the exception of the protection of home into the public terrain and all trajectories of movement. The law defines no terms by which 'my ground' might be distinguished from 'your ground.' The 'stand your ground law' has failed to enable a clear path to justice in Florida, not only because the context is racially charged, but because the spatial logic of the law is fundamentally flawed. As Chris Hayes said on MSNBC, across the country, the result of these laws "sounds like chaos."
Where Is the Value?
Three bedroom homes at Retreat View Circle where Trayvon Martin was killed are available for $112,000 and less. This cluster of houses is across from a complex of big box retail and smaller chain stores arranged around large parking lots. Why did this gated complex think it needed an armed neighborhood watch team? Did the gate and the neighborhood watch serve as real estate amenities in a sea of blandness?
Architects and planners don't promote gates, but they are everywhere.
These physical gates become images of an upper class life that become consumer desires and real estate amenities. Yet, they are also physical with real effects that intersect with legal codes and everyday activities. Gates around residential areas have become the norm in countries with extreme income inequalities and military regimes. However, even the traditionalist New Urbanists, such as the Urban Land Institute, do not promote gated communities. Why don't we speak up?
We talk about coffee and shopping, and we don't talk about guns and politics. George Zimmerman has given us a view into a terrain of law and everyday place in America that has much more to do with most people's lives than the placement of bicycle racks. Do we want to live and work in a world in which a 'right to be' in a place equals a right to kill? Part of sharing space is feeling threatened.In any open encounter with a stranger there is the possibility of conflict and suspicion. This is what it means to interact with strangers in open, shared and public places.
How bad is it?
Stand your ground laws, the castle doctrine and the rise of gated developments are a toxic combination. The death of Trayvon Martin should be a wake up call to all of us in the fields of designing and building. Somehow what we thought was just banal has been exposed as lawless. What we thought was merely cheap and boring has been revealed to be a recipe for inhumanity.
But I know we can do better. If we take this on the way we have taken on climate change, stormwater run-off, or any other host of problems that once seemed outside our field, I know we can contribute to making this better. Architects and urban designers in the United States and worldwide: hoodies up!
Follow Mitch McEwen on Twitter: www.twitter.com/mitchmcewen
NIH study finds women spend longer in labor now than 50 years agoPublic release date: 30-Mar-2012 [ | E-mail | Share ]
Contact: Robert Bock bockr@mail.nih.gov 301-496-5133 NIH/National Institute of Child Health and Human Development
Changes in delivery practices appear to be main contributing factor
Women take longer to give birth today than did women 50 years ago, according to an analysis of nearly 140,000 deliveries conducted by researchers at the National Institutes of Health. The researchers could not identify all of the factors that accounted for the increase, but concluded that the change is likely due to changes in delivery room practice.
The study authors called for further research to determine whether modern delivery practices are contributing to the increase in labor duration.
The researchers compared data on deliveries in the early 1960s to data gathered in the early 2000s. They found that the first stage of labor had increased by 2.6 hours for first-time mothers. For women who had previously given birth, this early stage of labor took two hours longer in recent years than for women in the 1960s. The first stage of labor is the stage during which the cervix dilates, before active pushing begins.
Infants born in the contemporary group also were born five days earlier, on average, than were those born in the 1960s, and tended to weigh more. The women in the contemporary group tended to weigh more than did those who delivered in the 1960s. For the contemporary group, the average body mass index before pregnancy was 24.9, compared with 23 for the earlier generation. Body mass index is a measure of body fat based on height and weight. At the time they gave birth, the mothers in the contemporary group were about four years older, on average, than those in the group who gave birth in the 1960s.
"Older mothers tend to take longer to give birth than do younger mothers," said the study's lead author, S. Katherine Laughon, M.D., of the Epidemiology Branch of the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD). "But when we take maternal age into account, it doesn't completely explain the difference in labor times."
Among the change in delivery practice the researchers found was an increase in the use of epidural anesthesia, the injection of pain killers into the spinal fluid, to decrease the pain of labor. For the contemporary group, epidural injections were used in more than half of recent deliveries, compared with 4 percent of deliveries in the 1960s. The study authors noted that epidural anesthesia is known to increase delivery time, but said it doesn't account for all of the increase.
Doctors in the early 2000s also administered the hormone oxytocin more frequently (in 31 percent of deliveries, compared with 12 percent in the 1960s), the researchers found. Oxytocin is given to speed up labor, often when contractions seem to have slowed. Its use should be expected to shorten labor times, Dr. Laughon explained.
"Without it, labor might even be longer in current obstetrics than what we found," she said.
Their analysis was published online in the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology.
The study compared data from nearly 40,000 deliveries between 1959 and 1966 with records of almost 100,000 deliveries that took place in 2002 through 2008. Data from the recent deliveries were collected through the NICHD-supported Consortium on Safe Labor.
Dr. Laughon conducted the study with D. Ware Branch, M.D., of Intermountain Healthcare and the University of Utah, in Salt Lake City; Jun Zhang, Ph.D., M.D., with the NICHD at the time of the study and now with the Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine, China; and Julie Beaver, M.S., formerly with the NICHD.
Other differences between the two groups reflect changes in later stage delivery practices. For example, in 1960s-era deliveries the use of episiotomy (surgical incision to enlarge the vaginal opening during delivery), and the use of forceps, surgical instruments used to extract the baby from the birth canal, was notably more common.
In current practice, doctors may intervene when labor fails to progress. This could happen if the dilation of the cervix slows or the active phase of labor stops for several hours, Dr. Laughon explained. In these cases, intervention can include administering oxytocin or performing a cesarean delivery.
In fact, the study found that the rate of cesarean delivery was four times higher today than it was 50 years ago (12 percent vs. 3 percent).
The authors note that while their study does not identify all the factors contributing to longer delivery times, the findings do indicate that current delivery practices may need to be re-evaluated.
The women in the contemporary cohort had an average pre-pregnancy BMI of 24.9. A BMI of 25 is considered overweight. Overweight and obesity raise the risk of pregnancy complications for mother and baby. Women who are overweight or obese and who would like to become pregnant should speak with their health care provider about losing weight before becoming pregnant.
About the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD): The NICHD sponsors research on development, before and after birth; maternal, child, and family health; reproductive biology and population issues; and medical rehabilitation. For more information, visit the Institute's website at http://www.nichd.nih.gov/.
About the National Institutes of Health (NIH): NIH, the nation's medical research agency, includes 27 Institutes and Centers and is a component of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. NIH is the primary federal agency conducting and supporting basic, clinical, and translational medical research, and is investigating the causes, treatments, and cures for both common and rare diseases. For more information about NIH and its programs, visit www.nih.gov.
NIHTurning Discovery into Health
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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.
NIH study finds women spend longer in labor now than 50 years agoPublic release date: 30-Mar-2012 [ | E-mail | Share ]
Contact: Robert Bock bockr@mail.nih.gov 301-496-5133 NIH/National Institute of Child Health and Human Development
Changes in delivery practices appear to be main contributing factor
Women take longer to give birth today than did women 50 years ago, according to an analysis of nearly 140,000 deliveries conducted by researchers at the National Institutes of Health. The researchers could not identify all of the factors that accounted for the increase, but concluded that the change is likely due to changes in delivery room practice.
The study authors called for further research to determine whether modern delivery practices are contributing to the increase in labor duration.
The researchers compared data on deliveries in the early 1960s to data gathered in the early 2000s. They found that the first stage of labor had increased by 2.6 hours for first-time mothers. For women who had previously given birth, this early stage of labor took two hours longer in recent years than for women in the 1960s. The first stage of labor is the stage during which the cervix dilates, before active pushing begins.
Infants born in the contemporary group also were born five days earlier, on average, than were those born in the 1960s, and tended to weigh more. The women in the contemporary group tended to weigh more than did those who delivered in the 1960s. For the contemporary group, the average body mass index before pregnancy was 24.9, compared with 23 for the earlier generation. Body mass index is a measure of body fat based on height and weight. At the time they gave birth, the mothers in the contemporary group were about four years older, on average, than those in the group who gave birth in the 1960s.
"Older mothers tend to take longer to give birth than do younger mothers," said the study's lead author, S. Katherine Laughon, M.D., of the Epidemiology Branch of the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD). "But when we take maternal age into account, it doesn't completely explain the difference in labor times."
Among the change in delivery practice the researchers found was an increase in the use of epidural anesthesia, the injection of pain killers into the spinal fluid, to decrease the pain of labor. For the contemporary group, epidural injections were used in more than half of recent deliveries, compared with 4 percent of deliveries in the 1960s. The study authors noted that epidural anesthesia is known to increase delivery time, but said it doesn't account for all of the increase.
Doctors in the early 2000s also administered the hormone oxytocin more frequently (in 31 percent of deliveries, compared with 12 percent in the 1960s), the researchers found. Oxytocin is given to speed up labor, often when contractions seem to have slowed. Its use should be expected to shorten labor times, Dr. Laughon explained.
"Without it, labor might even be longer in current obstetrics than what we found," she said.
Their analysis was published online in the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology.
The study compared data from nearly 40,000 deliveries between 1959 and 1966 with records of almost 100,000 deliveries that took place in 2002 through 2008. Data from the recent deliveries were collected through the NICHD-supported Consortium on Safe Labor.
Dr. Laughon conducted the study with D. Ware Branch, M.D., of Intermountain Healthcare and the University of Utah, in Salt Lake City; Jun Zhang, Ph.D., M.D., with the NICHD at the time of the study and now with the Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine, China; and Julie Beaver, M.S., formerly with the NICHD.
Other differences between the two groups reflect changes in later stage delivery practices. For example, in 1960s-era deliveries the use of episiotomy (surgical incision to enlarge the vaginal opening during delivery), and the use of forceps, surgical instruments used to extract the baby from the birth canal, was notably more common.
In current practice, doctors may intervene when labor fails to progress. This could happen if the dilation of the cervix slows or the active phase of labor stops for several hours, Dr. Laughon explained. In these cases, intervention can include administering oxytocin or performing a cesarean delivery.
In fact, the study found that the rate of cesarean delivery was four times higher today than it was 50 years ago (12 percent vs. 3 percent).
The authors note that while their study does not identify all the factors contributing to longer delivery times, the findings do indicate that current delivery practices may need to be re-evaluated.
The women in the contemporary cohort had an average pre-pregnancy BMI of 24.9. A BMI of 25 is considered overweight. Overweight and obesity raise the risk of pregnancy complications for mother and baby. Women who are overweight or obese and who would like to become pregnant should speak with their health care provider about losing weight before becoming pregnant.
About the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD): The NICHD sponsors research on development, before and after birth; maternal, child, and family health; reproductive biology and population issues; and medical rehabilitation. For more information, visit the Institute's website at http://www.nichd.nih.gov/.
About the National Institutes of Health (NIH): NIH, the nation's medical research agency, includes 27 Institutes and Centers and is a component of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. NIH is the primary federal agency conducting and supporting basic, clinical, and translational medical research, and is investigating the causes, treatments, and cures for both common and rare diseases. For more information about NIH and its programs, visit www.nih.gov.
NIHTurning Discovery into Health
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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.
List building is one of the most vital tasks of internet marketing. Without having a list at hand, you won?t be able to build a long term business on the Internet. All internet marketers will tell you that the list generates the money. So if you haven?t started to build your list yet, now?s the time. But plenty of IMers are overwhelmed when it comes to creating a list, but they should not be. Read this article and look at the three tips that are provided for building a good list.
If you truly want to build an email list that lasts then you should try leveraging someone else?s list. All you have to do is locate some webmasters, blog owners or others with lists of their own on a topic that?s similar to yours. Joint ventures can often be arranged if you?re willing to take the first step and contact such list owners. You?ll have to come up with some content or something the list owner?s subscribers might want; this is your bargaining chip. This should be something of some value, such as a product you?re selling (either your own or one you have the right to sell). The point, of course, is to insert your own link with this gift, so your own list will start to get bigger. Everyone wins this way! The only kind of subscribers you want are relevant ones; that is, people who really care about your topic or product. The key to a successful list is having subscribers that you?ve targeted by their interests, needs, buying behavior, etc. What?s the secret to accomplishing this? By focusing on the right traffic sources. The key, then, is to make sure your opt-in forms or landing pages are receiving highly targeted traffic. To get the appropriate kind of subscribers for your list, you have to start with traffic that comes from highly relevant sources. You want the people on your list to be truly interested in what you?re sending them. You don?t want just any traffic coming to your landing page; it has to be the kind that?s just right for your list.
Last, be certain that your landing page has a link to your privacy policy for everyone to see. The reason for this is simple, people want to be sure of the fact that they won?t get spammed, so give then that surety. This tells them that you will keep their email address private. Make sure that your privacy policy is up to date and complete. When you fail to do this, it will decrease your chance of getting more sales. Something like this may not seem like a priority, but it is very important.These same tools are used by people in MLM Marketing
Every single move you make toward forming your email list will eventually help you get all that you can out of your web business. Your email list is an asset that can help you make your online business successful. This is an asset that you can leverage whenever you want. At your expense, it is an economic machine.
So if you haven?t started to create your list, you need to do so at once. Make some tangible moves in creating your list and you?ll be there instantly. You just need to remember, no matter what you do, you need to have morals with your maneuvers.
Dawn Masterall is a known writer, One of the major achievement of his success is through blogging. Blogs on different topics like internet business,mlm, affiliate marketing etc . He has done a great work on topics such as MLM lead systems and LifeWave
Tagged as: advertising, affiliate marketing, business, home business, internet business, marketing, miscellaneous, mlm, Network Marketing, online business, online marketing, Uncategorized
Now day?s references are playing a very important part of a candidates profile and also play a vital role in the hiring procedure. A reference is a person who you know professionally and who can vouch for you r integrity and professionalism.? A growing number of recruiters have started carrying out reference checks or background checks on new hires as well as candidates for the job by calling and speaking with people who have been professionally involved with the candidate in the past. Carrying out a reference check on a candidate or speaking with a person who either worked with the candidate or was the candidates supervisor or employer helps the recruiter ascertain whether the candidate has mentioned facts on his or her resume, and whether the candidate is worthy of being employed.
When drafting an administrative assistant resume, special care and attention should be given to your reference section, as your references can either make or break your chances of getting the job.
You need to pay close attention your references, ensuring that you have the right person mentioned on your reference section of the resume, who can voice for your conduct and professionalism. Here we take a close look at how to write resume references for your administrative assistant resume, that will help you land a great job.
When drafting your resume references the you should:
Create a list of references: Start by listing down the names of people who you think would make for good references, both professionally and personally. Ideal candidates who should be used as a reference on your administrative assistant resume would include your supervisors, employers or colleagues with whom you have worked closely and who can vouch for your professionalism, character and work qualities or skills.
Contact the references: Once you have listed the references, you should contact these individuals, letting them know about your decision of applying for a job and ask them if they would be willing to be a reference for you. If the person agrees, take down their address, phone numbers and the best time that they could be contacted.
Go through your background: Ensure that you go through your profile along with them, review your background and go through information like the type of work relationship you shared with them. You cam want to recap the projects that you have worked on with the person and also recap your performance on the project. This would ensure that the person recollects your performance and will not miss out on an important point. You may also want to send your references a copy of your resume to ensure that they are aware about your profile.
Once you have your list of references ready for your administrative assistant resume, select 3-4 of references both on a professional and personal front.
On your resume, create a heading (at the end of the resume) titled Resume Reference. Ensure that this heading is in bold. Categorise your references in two sub categories, professional and personal references.
Now list the names of the professional references, their contact information and their official designation along with information on how long you know the person, how long you worked together and mode and preferred time of contact.
In the personal reference section, list the names of the persons, contact information and nature of relationship with the person.
Following these simple tips with help you choose the right references for your administrative assistant resume and will also help you write a great reference section for your resume.
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'DeAndre is a hot dude who appeals to the female demographic,' 'Idol' blogger explains, while Han is backed by Vote for the Worst website. By Gil Kaufman
Heejun Han and DeAndre Brackensick Photo: Getty Images
There's almost always a singer on each season of "American Idol" who makes it way deeper into the competition than expected. But season 11 of the show has seen two unlikely finalists — Heejun Han and DeAndre Brackensick — stumble into the top 9 and onto this summer's cast tour despite a string of, respectively, jokey and lackluster performances that have drawn assorted raspberries from the judges and outright derision at times from music-industry icon and show mentor Jimmy Iovine.
Their resilience got MTV News wondering if perhaps they have a special magic that some of the other eliminated finalists haven't discovered yet. We spoke to some of our favorite "Idol" experts to take a look at the dynamic duo's social-network presence to try to figure out how they've done it.
For Brackensick, it doesn't appear to be thanks to Twitter, where he had just 31,660 followers (dubbed "DreDreamers") as of Tuesday evening and spent most of his time thanking fans for their support or complaining about poor WiFi at the "Idol" mansion.
"DeAndre is a hot dude who appeals to the female demographic," said leading "Idol" blogger MJ Santilli of MJsbigblog about the strange allure of the singer with a sky-high voice and hair-commercial-ready curls. "He's sung well enough to give the impression that he's got potential. The 'Master Blaster' performance — which Jimmy and the judges loved — was enough to keep him going for a week or two more, but if he doesn't step it up, he's going out mid-pack, too."
Heejun's following on Twitter was a heftier 86,663 on Tuesday, putting him near the top of the social-networking heap among his fellow finalists. Not surprisingly for the yuk-loving singer, his interactions with fans are much sillier and more playful than most of the others, with a loose vibe that matches his onscreen persona, including lots of candid photos and suggestions that fans adopt the nickname "Hanimals."
He also has the dubious distinction of being the subject of this year's target on the Vote for the Worst website. "Finally, the man we were waiting for comes out to play," the site said in a banner promoting the vote. "Welcome to VFTW, Heejun. We love you. Here are lots of votes."
"Idol" expert Jim Cantiello said he gets Heejun's appeal. OK, he doesn't get it get it, but he can see how Han attracts attention by being a spectacle while everyone else is singing ballads — all the time. "His silliness supplies good .gifs for tumblr and easy fodder to tweet about," said the former MTV "Idol in 60 Seconds" host. "Trust me, just like Sanjaya, the first time he has a performance that provides zero water-cooler talk, he'll be dropped. Or as soon as it seems like powerhouse singers are in jeopardy, casual 'Idol' fans won't be as quick to call in a vote for the clown."
Cantiello suspects Han has another thing going for him as well, whether it was all part of his devious plan or not. "Heejun's got the whole bromance thing with Phil Phillips going on," Cantiello said of the buddy-comedy vibe between the joker and one of this year's leading male contenders. "So some of Phil's fans are automatically into Heejun, and they'll vote him through to keep seeing them be silly on TV together."
MJ agreed that Heejun is just good TV. Not only did he bring some unneeded extra drama to the Hollywood rounds by sparring with annoying Richie "Cowboy" Law, he's shown his vulnerable and sensitive side as well. "Up until now, viewers wanted him on their TVs and most definitely wanted him on the tour, where he is likely going to be super-entertaining," she said. "But now that he's beginning to knock off vocally gifted finalists like Erika [Van Pelt], watch the backlash begin. I don't think he's got more than a couple of weeks left in the competition."
How do the seven other finalists match up on the Twitter tote board? Pint-sized cute Hollie Cavanagh actually comes in below Brackensick with 30,792 "Holliepops," while faux-hawk flying singer Colton Dixon has one of the highest Twitter tallies at 92,458, putting him just ahead of foot-stomping Dave Matthews-alike Phillip Phillips, with 90,116 followers.
Solidly in the middle of the pack is leading female contender Jessica Sanchez with 69,825 followers, while country girl Skylar Laine rounds out the bottom with 33,122 "Skoutlaws," just ahead of gritty Elise Testone (23,969) and R&B crooner Joshua Ledet (23,618).
Why do you think Heejun and DeAndre have survived this long? Let us know in comments below!
Get your "Idol" fix on MTV News' "American Idol" page, where you'll find all the latest news, interviews and opinions.
I would like them to be colorful, capable of being around other fish, "social", and easy to take care of. I don?t have a tank yet, I want to do the research on the fish and see how many gallons I would need in the tank and all the other needs. I would love suggestions and personal stories so I can see everyone?s experience with that specific type of fish.
Thank you
I have personally found for me, different types of platties are very good. I have a 30 gallon aquarium with 1 sunset plattie, 1 Mickey mouse plattie, and 2 twin barrel platties all in with bottom dwellers such as Cory catfish and black kuhli loaches and they are very caring fish:) whenever I am next to the aquarium, they always follow and watch me whenever I?m cleaning out the aquarium, they always nudge my hands and "play" with my fingers it?s the cutest thing good luck in fish keeping hope I helped
A 15-20 gallon tank with a few guppies would be a great start, guppies are colourful and fun to watch, especially when the males start dancing for the female, so adorable. :p
They are also very tough little troopers and will be very forgiving if you make a mistake. (That?s why a lot of people use them to cycle tanks, I did and still have those guppies now. :p)
This entry was posted
on Monday, March 26th, 2012 at 9:00 pm and is filed under Fish.
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If you wish to see a substantial amount of the country side, unwind and enjoy the hospitality of the different areas a river cruise trip vacation is the perfect choice. They can be relatively cheap, if you simply decide on a short trip on the river of a area near you, or they can cost you thousands of dollars for a trip through numerous nations around the world in spectacular destinations.
Whatever your economic conditions and your reasons behind wanting to cruise, there?ll be a package somewhere offering precisely what you need. Short and simple excursions are ones that are often on rivers in, or near, main cities. It is a great method to spend your lunch break if you live close to one. Several city cruise trips are deliberately designed to be short and action packed, to ensure that they get the trade from business folks searching for someplace original to eat. And although you are touring the town they are generally centered around some very nice attractions. If you?re going to a city, why don?t you ask your hosts to recommend a great city cruise?
There?s, naturally, a world of difference between the lunch break business lunch cruise trip and the vacation cruise trip lasting several days. If you are searching for a way to get away from the world of business and just take it easy for somewhat there can be few better ways than by cruising along the water. Even though some rivers, such as those in the northern regions of North America, can only be cruised specific times of the year there are plenty of other North American rivers to be enjoyed at any time. Just about the most well known areas for river cruising is the Mississippi, and this will present you with a distinctive culture and atmosphere.
Taking a river cruise trip on another continent will involve somewhat more expense, more planning, and a wider knowledge of the rest of the world. A lot of folks enjoy European cruise however unless you will be cruising in Great Britain and Ireland it helps to understand a little of the language. The exclusions to this are the tours which are run by American or British operators, where English will consistently be spoken. On a river cruise trip in Europe it?s actually possible to see several nations around the world in one trip.
Far East river cruise are quite enjoyable and provide a completely diverse view of culture than what you are probably accustomed to seeing. This can make an excellent winter months vacation for people who live in northern areas with tough winters, as the temps in Thailand and surrounding nations are consistently high through the northern hemisphere winters, and rain is low. Keep in mind, they are quite lengthy and high priced family trips.
The length and type of your river cruise trip are the most essential points to get right in your preparing, as they?ll dictate which rivers are suitable for your requirements. Take short excursions on rivers close to you and plan lengthier holidays on longer rivers when you can take time to enjoy them completely. River cruises in the city can be as easy as lunch out whilst longer ones in exotic places can be quite luxurious.
It truly is required to point out that you?ll need to be careful if you?re spending significant chunks of money of money on a potential cruise trip. You want to make sure you?re using a dependable business that has been in existence for awhile. A lot of individuals have been cheated out of money by fly-by-night organizations who take their dollars and then disappear. Using your credit card to pay can help as you can report hoaxes whilst if you give them cash and they disappear you are out of your money.
Having the ability to leave independent reviews river cruise operators typically go out of their way to provide excellent facilities. Using the Web to carry out detailed research is the most important step it is easy to take in attempting to protect your investment, and those providers that are consistently good over numerous years will accumulate a great deal of sound feedback. Whenever you select a dependable company you?ll be able to wind down and enjoy 1 of the best vacations you?ll ever take.
This article has been written by the author, Alex Blaken. Should you require any more River Cruise Trip vacation please visit his Amazon River Cruise resources!
[unable to retrieve full-text content]Working On Your Home Improvement Skills. You spend a great deal of time in your home and because of this, it is vital to ensure the impact it has on your life day in and day out is positive. Most of us spend the vast majority of our time either at work or at home ? and if you work from ... The green area around your house will give you great pleasure no matter who created it. Some plans can have positive effects, like making your air fresher and smell nice or providing ...
?Hidden Switches in the Mind,? by Eric J. Nestler, discusses epigenetic changes?alterations to how genes behave that do not affect the information they contain. Is it possible that such changes are at least partially responsible for bacteria becoming resistant to various drugs, given that the changes are passed on to daughter cells? If so, the changes would provide yet another way to overcome resistance to various drugs. Instead of looking for an entirely new antibiotic, it might be simpler to find a way to undo the epigenetic changes and restore the bacterial susceptibility to the drugs we already have. Ted Grinthal Berkeley Heights, N.J.
Editors? note: The author, not being a microbiologist, referred this question to Rich?ard Lo?sick, whose laboratory at Har?vard University focuses on bacteria. Losick?s reply follows:
Epigenetics does indeed contribute to antibiotic resistance in bacteria by giving rise to bacteria known as persisters. Indeed, epigenetic mechanisms were initially discovered in bacteria, although the mechanisms are quite different from the histone-based ones described in the article (bacteria do not have histones). Persisters are bacteria that survive antibiotic treatment without having acquired a resistance mutation. Instead they have reversibly entered a state in which they are less susceptible to killing by the antibiotic than other genetically identical cells in the population. Indeed, if we could devise drugs that blocked entry into the persister state, such drugs could contribute to the effectiveness of antibiotic therapy.
Whereas David Weinberger?s speculations about predictive abilities of big data?crunching models in ?The Machine That Would Predict the Future? are intriguing, planners and social scientists aren?t about to step aside just yet. As an example of ?big data,? IBM?s Watson has impressive computing power when the question is clear, but important societal questions rarely are. For the near future, we don?t see large computing power suc?cessful?ly responding to the simple questions facing modern societies with complex answers: For instance, how do you motivate Asian governments to take action on climate change? How do you reduce poverty? How do you get people out of their cars and onto public transit?
The challenge to prediction today is successfully integrating philosophy and the social and behavioral sciences with the physical sciences and engineering. Just witness the failure of climate scientists to advance the climate change agenda, resulting, in part, from social, behavioral and political scientists being left out of the conversation. With multidisciplinary cooperation as a starter, ?big data? might be better equipped to predict the future. David R. Hardy Toronto
I would suggest that there is an insurmountable hurdle to physicist Dirk Hel?bing?s work, described by Weinberger, in trying to make a ?computing system that would effectively serve as the world?s crystal ball?: the discrete architecture of the natural world. Helbing?s background is apparently the modeling of highway traffic, which has a basic linear architecture. Road traffic acts like a hydraulic problem, where small particles can flow into one another continuously. My background is railroads, which couldn?t behave more differently. On almost every level, their options and costs are effectively discrete. Railway costs are highly correlated, irregular, stepwise functions. They are dynamically unstable as they interact. That is, these costs are complexly unique lookup tables, not continuous equations, which means that highway and other linear models cannot be used rigorously (although people do try to use them).
If you want to make an incredible first impression, you need a web design that is original, unique and will attract visitors. For this reason, you should contact Simple Web Design at www.webdesignSM.com and find out how they can help you design your website to maximize your every goal and realize every dream. Simple Web Design understands the importance of a properly designed website, so contact them today to find out what they can do for you.
At Simple, they will look at what you need and want for your business, and suggest innovative solutions to make your website more unique and effective as possible for your business. They will also help to analyze all of your business goals, because they study the markets in which you operate, and know how to maximize your visibility to your target audience. In this way, they can create a unique web design that will give you a strong advantage above your competition.
When you select Simple's ????????? ???????????, you will be working with a team of experienced programmers, creative and innovative graphic designers as well as web designers. This combination is a phenomenal team to help you construct the most effective website for your business. They understand that by having an effective website, you will be able to watch your business grow, and make your online presence known.
Their team of experts is able to design and construct all types of websites, including static and flash, as well as providing you with the most dynamic and exciting WebPages, secure electronic store and more. They also provide opportunities to develop the best web design that matches both your particular style as well as the class of your business. With the most reliable platforms such as open cart, WordPress and Presta shop, you are sure of getting the most spectacular ????????? ??????????? possible.
In addition, they will always use only the latest in software development technologies, which can include Java, PHP and others. In order to match your style and your business, you will be able to discover a unique site within Simple's design software, to provide you with a number of advertising opportunities as well as marketing and promotion. They give you direct promotion of your business, through the extraordinarily widespread use of the Internet.
They understand that for you and your business to succeed you need to have a strong foothold on the Internet, which is why Simple Web Design will ensure that they create the perfect website that suits your every need and desire. With their pioneering technology and innovative solutions, you will be able to discover extremely high quality services at an affordable price. When you are ready to create a functional, innovative, convenient and effective website, contact Simple Web Design today.
You can reach them very easily on the Internet at www.WebdesignSM.com, where you can leave a message and they will return your inquiry very quickly. If you prefer, you can also contact them by telephone at 699-388-3690, or email them at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it . When you are ready to take your business to the next level, contact Simple Web Design and let them go to work for you.
If you want to have greater influence, lots of great partnerships and find as many new clients as possible, business networking is the name of the game. However, even Internet Marketers and Webmasters would be well served by expanding their business networking to offline ventures too. You need to make it a goal to make sure that you focus first on building as strong a business network as possible whether you do work on or offline. Make sure you never ever let any networking opportunity or business enhancing opportunity get wasted. This article will teach you a few things that you can do to improve your business networking abilities.
Stay Organized: Keep all of the names and contact information of your clients organized and in one place so that you?ll never lose any of it. It?s also a good idea to keep track of all of the interactions you have with them so that you can pull it out when you need to find more information about your relationship with your contacts. Try to find an approach that will work well for you in terms of staying organized and keeping your contacts in one place.
Work as a Perfectionist: If you have great contacts you can?t let yourself slack because otherwise it will cost you big. You need to keep your personal appearance polished, refine your business profiles and perfect your communication as much as you can so that you make a super good impression. Nobody is totally perfect but keeping your best foot forward will really help you get long term success.These same approaches are oftern used by people seeking Success in MLM
Know What You Want: When you don?t know what you want or what sort of purpose you?re trying to serve, how will you explain yourself to the people with whom you want to network? Before you get started, try to figure out what your goals will be and what kind of effort you want to put in to your business networking opportunity to ensure that you get as much as possible from your efforts. Don?t delay doing this because in order to have a great start with your business networking, you should be well equipped right from the beginning.
Business networking is something that takes quite a bit of prep because if you don?t have a path to follow there?s a big chance that you?ll only make contact with mediocre people who won?t help you very much. Have a plan of action and be consistent with your efforts so that you know for sure that you?re not only growing your business network, but you?re also about to enhance your business as you move ahead. If you are just beginning it is going to take some real time to see real results but if you make good contacts the wait will be worth it.
Jonas Varig is one of the renowned authors of this era. Being a master of blogging, he has been an expert on writing content related to marketing, online business, home business, network marketing etc.Checkout his article on Wealth Masters success and Family IQ leads
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Tags: advertising, affiliate marketing, business, home business, internet business, marketing, Misc, miscellaneous, mlm, network marketing, online business, online marketing
The Spring market in D.C. bloomed with the cherry blossoms.
In the last month, we have seen almost every competitively priced listing go under contract within the first week on the market, often with interest from multiple parties and sometimes multiple offers. This time last year, we saw multiple offers but did not often see the price going above list price. Not so for this year where we have seen multiple offers escalating above list price.
While just a few months ago many buyers were still trying to ?play the market? or sit and wait for a price reduction, this is not the reality of the new spring market. Inventory has declined significantly from this point last year, so the good properties are selling and they?re selling fast.
We have also been seeing a lot of competition within the first week of a price drop ? even if the house has been on the market for months. When there is a price adjustment on a home, other buyers who have been circling may also decide to throw their hat in the ring. The result is often a multiple-offer situation even if the house has been on the market for several weeks or months. When you are in competition with another purchaser, you are competing with the other purchaser by upping your price, instead of negotiating with the seller for a lower price.
Despite the competitive market, it is still a great time for buyers. Thirty-year fixed interest rates are still hovering at a historical low.
We are seeing a healthy market?in our area. If you are thinking about buying a new home, talk with a realtor early in the process to see how the market is moving in your price point and desired location. Many realtors will set you up on a search and will email you properties that will fit your criteria. Even if you aren?t ready yet, it will help you to see what?s out there so you can make an educated decision when you are ready to buy.
Sue Goodhart works at McEnearney Associates. She can be reached at202-507-7800?or?sue@suegoodhart.com.
Many companies are not aware of the significant benefits related to acquisition financing in computers and technology segments. The proper term for this type of financing is ' Technology lifecycle management '. Most business owners simply consider the following question: 'Should I buy or lease my firms new computers and software and related products and services?'
Two old adages related to leasing still ring true when it comes to the technological aspect. That is that one should finance something and depreciates, and one should buy something that appreciates in value. Most business owners, and consumers as well know very well that computers depreciate in value. Systems we paid thousands of dollars for years ago are now hundreds of dollars. Walk into any ' big box ' retailer and see the dramatic moves in technology.
Business owners who finance technology demonstrate a higher level of cost effectiveness. The company wants to reap the benefits of the technology over the useful life of the asset, and, importantly, more evenly match the cash outflows with the benefits. Leasing and financing your technology allows you to stay ahead of the technology curve; that is to say you are always using the latest technology as it relates to your firms needs.
Businesses that lease and finance their technology needs are often working better within their capital budgets. Simply speaking they can buy more and buy smarter. Many companies that are larger in size have balance sheet issues and ROA (return on assets) issues that are compelling. They must stay within bank credit covenants and are measure often on their ability to generate income on the total level of assets being deployed in the company.
Lease financing allows those firms to address both of those issues. Companies can choose to employ an ' operating lease ' structure for their technology financing. This is more prevalent in larger firms, but works almost equally as well in small organizations. Operating leases are ' off balance sheet '. The firm adopts the stance of using technology, not owning technology. The lessor/lender owns the equipment, and has a stake in the residual value of the technology. The main benefit for the company is that the debt associated with the technology acquisition is not directly held on the balance sheet. This optimizes debt levels and profitability ratios.
At the end of those operating leases, which are usually 36 months long, the customer has the option of:
1. Returning the equipment 2. Buying the equipment ( not likely though ) 3. Negotiating an extension of the financing for continued use of the computers, technology, etc.
Companies that have recently acquired computers and technology can in fact negotiate a' sale leaseback ' on those same assets. This financing strategy brings cash back into the company, as the firm has employed a leasing and financing strategy building on our above noted them - using technology, not owning technology.
In summary, the key benefits of computer and technology lease financing are:
* The company can stay ahead of the technology curve * Computer leasing and financing has significant balance sheet and income statement benefits * The firm has flexibility with respect to buying new product, returning existing technology, and generating cash flow for purchases already made
Many of the benefits we have discussed relate to leasing in general. However, technology and lease financing are very perfectly suited to the business financing strategy of leasing.
If you've been patiently waiting for the next series in Rovio's blockbuster hit Angry Birds, then you'll be pleased to know that Angry Birds Space has now lifted off. Rovio has been teasing the new series for quite some time now with it being a whole new twist on the original series. For now, it's available in the Amazon App Store for $1 so if you have access to that, you can hit the link below to grab it. If you can't access the Amazon App Store or just would rather wait until it appears in the Google Play Store, you can grab the ad-based version past the break to hold you over. Now, excuse me -- I have to go defy some gravity.
There are so many different programs online nowadays that can teach you how to start an online business. These programs can charge several thousands of dollars. I?ll show you how to start an online business without a huge budget. Afterward, you might want to invest a bit of money to learn other site traffic methods but the information here will get you up and running.
The first thing you should do purchase a domain name and a web hosting account. First decide what type of niche you want to get in to and come up with a domain name that has a strong keyword in it. When you pick a domain, ensure that it matches your niche so if you are starting an online business about dogs and training dogs, get a domain name like newyorkdogtraining.com. This will help in your search engine rankings afterward.
After buying a domain name, you will need to do is to search for products to advertise. For those of you who don?t have any product of your to sell, you can always use affiliate products. These programs allow you to promote products and earn a commission up to 75% of each sale you close. This is a terrific way to get started, especially if you have no product of your own to sell.
Once you have your niche, you need to put up a web site using the keywords you want to rank for in the search engines. continuing with the example earlier, your main page should have the keyword phrase, dog training, throughout the page. This helps the search engines know what your web site is all about. Naturally, you don?t want to overdo the keywords, since this can lead to the search engines targeting your website as a keyword stuffed website. If you practice keyword stuffing, there is a good chance the search engines will simply ban your web site from their results.
The next thing you need to do is to get started building targeted back-links to your site using the keyword phrase, dog training. You will want to place links on other web sites and get these links point back to your new website. It is also extremely crucial to use keyword links because this will help you rank higher in the search engines for those keywords. This can be accomplished by submitting your website to directories and by using other methods like commenting on blogs and forums. Also, article marketing is an effective way to build high quality back-links for your website.
You can also utilize the search engines to find other ways of generating even more traffic to your new web site. Some methods you find will be free while others can charge you a lot of money. I recommend going with mostly the free and cheap forms of traffic generation when you are just starting. Make sure you keep your traffic expenses at less than $100 per month when you are starting out. You don?t need to spend a lot of money to start getting traffic to your site. When all is said and done, getting traffic to your website is going to mean the difference between success and failure.
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