Monday, February 6, 2012

NCAA considering football player stipends

HOLLYWOOD -- God bless America, and how's everybody?

The NCAA agreed Monday to consider allowing schools to pay football players two thousand dollar stipends. The coaches are making six million. Colonial Williamsburg can't hold a candle to the way the Southeastern Conference re-creates Gone with the Wind.

Malibu residents saw the Coast Guard intercepting a Mexican boat trying to smuggle a half-ton of pot on the beach. They had to stop it from getting to the shore. According to U.S. immigration law if the marijuana gets its feet on the beach, it's granted political asylum.

Demi Moore's ambulance ride to rehab Friday was found to have been caused by her inhaling nitrous oxide to get high. She suffered a bad reaction to laughing gas. For some Democrats, watching the GOP presidential debates isn't enough, they have to supplement it.

Arizona Governor Jan Brewer's book got a big spike in sales Friday after her heated debate with President Obama was photographed. No wonder Newt wants to do four hundred Lincoln-Douglas debates with Obama. He has a garage full of books that aren't selling.

The Agriculture Department warned of a huge spike in beef prices this year. They're talking about the possibility of ten dollar burgers. By the time the GOP Convention gets here, Newt Gingrich and Mitt Romney will be accusing each other of ordering hamburgers.

Newt Gingrich said Monday that Mitt Romney got rich via vulture capitalism. Meanwhile Mitt accused Newt of getting rich by lobbying. Republicans are going through a natural process of eliminating all the candidates until they can find one who inherited his wealth.

Donald Trump told CBS News he might run for president as a third-party candidate. There's little to fear. He owns the Miss USA Pageant, and after Newt, Bill Clinton and Herman Cain, he's convinced that being involved with fifty women will not hurt his political career.

Herman Cain endorsed Newt Gingrich for the GOP nomination at a press conference on Saturday. The man with four female accusers endorsed the man with three wives. If there is one thing politics teaches us, it is that adulterers always have each other's backs.

The National Post reported about the booming online business in sex toys marketed to Christian, Jewish and Muslim couples. They're sold as contoured marital aids. If the sex toy industry was making the battery-powered cars they'd be selling a lot more of them.


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